Makloc’s maintenance and modification services ensure that your modular and structural steel buildings remain in optimal condition for years to come. Our dedicated team of specialists provide timely, reliable, and cost-effective solutions, catering to your specific needs, whether it’s routine maintenance, upgrades, or expansions. Trust Makloc to help you preserve the integrity and functionality of your investment, while adapting to ever-evolving requirements.

New Request?
No Problem

Makloc supports ongoing structure maintenance and upgrades, even on buildings made by other companies. These can include:

  • Repairing and replacing components
  • Adding new space
  • Adding custom fabricated solutions
  • Renovating spaces to suit evolving building needs

Recent Projects

Maintenance Shelters for EPSB

ATCO – Metal Structures

Western Canadian Pipeline Expansion


Our metal buildings capabilities are proven. Our quality is unmatched.

Talk to us.